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Sunday, April 9, 2017

The problem with giant bank judgments

At, we were sent a 25-million dollar judgment against Wells Fargo bank; and we were excited because Wells Fargo has deep pockets, and it was a Federal judgment. Along with other benefits, Federal judgments are easy to domesticate to any state.  However, none of our expert judgment enforcers wanted to attempt to recover this "juicy" judgment. (Not even after I shared this link with them:

The reasons our judgment experts cited inclued that Wells Fargo (or any other big company/bank with lots of lawyers on their team) have teams of lawyers that would fight the judgment enforcement process tooth and nail, and some judgment experts with Wells Fargo accounts and loans were worried that Wells Fargo would cancel their accounts as revenge. Some giant debtors would rather pay 10 million for lawyers to fight a judgment recovery, rather than pay off or settle a million dollar judgment. The world is not fair, sigh.


Mark Shapiro, judgment expert, judgment writer, and a smile chaser.  Visit:   and

Saturday, April 8, 2017

JudgmentBuy's blog changed to Mark D. Shapiro's blog

The Judgmentbuy blog, the best judgment blog, has changed names to


Mark Shapiro, judgment expert, judgment writer, and a smile chaser.  Visit:   and

Friday, April 7, 2017

Cities should encourgage walking

Everyone knows that exercise is good for you, and government and media reminds us constantly to get some exercise and walk or bike instead of drive whenever possible. However, most local government entities do not think about funding/sustaining their walking paths, bike trails, etc. Here in Pueblo, CO there are lots of receptacles for dog waste with a dispenser for plastic gloves for pet owners to pick up their pet's excrements. Every one I see has an empty plastic glove container, it seems as if they were filled just once, then never again.

Another Pueblo example, is the pedestrian walkway between the Jerry Murphy Road area where many thousands live; and Dillon Drive where all the big stores such as Walmart are. If you live on Jerry Murphy road, you must (by car) take the freeway or drive miles out of your way, even though (e.g.,) Walmart is just 1/2 a mile from you. Pueblo's city planners installed a pedestrian walkway so people could walk 1/2 a mile to the store if they wanted, or the Pueblo Mall, or Goodwill, Target, etc. It goes under the freeway so bike riders and walkers can avoid smog, traffic lights, or walking along the freeway.

There are several problems with the Pueblo walkway:

1) It has never been maintained except to place giant cement blocks to try to prevent people from using it during a severe winter storm, and the city never removed them. People walk around the barriers in the dirt to get by them. (There are no signs saying the walkway is closed, and the barrier come after you walk 1/4 of a mile.)

2) There are tree branches, litter, and garbage on the walkways.

3) Most of the walkways are just dirt, and some is cement. After rain or snow, the dirt turns to mud, so your shoes get covered with mud.

4) Lots of abandoned property, garbage, and homeless shelter tents are there, although I never had a problem with the homeless people, all were friendly and did not hit me up for money.

5) Some city signs are wrong! For example, one sign points to the Pueblo Mall, but it is pointing the wrong way!

6) The walkways are not covered, lit, or wind-protected, so they are very hard to use in bad weather or at night. I walk to Planet Fitness every night, and must bring my own flashlight.

If the city of Pueblo fixed these problems, a lot of people would walk instead of drive.

Mark Shapiro, judgment expert, judgment broker, judgment writer, and a smile chaser.  Visit:  

Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Cutest cheap dancing hula girl toy

 OMG, what a bargain, this cute solar-powered dancing hula lady toy would rock on any car dashboard or any sunny windowsill. It is available at's web site, for just $1.00, however you need to order 4 or more. $4 for 4 dancing ladies is a bargain. Dollar Tree has lots of other solar-powered dancing toys, and it is always fun to shop there.


Mark Shapiro, judgment expert, judgment broker, judgment writer, and a smile chaser.  Visit:   

Why must pets and humans suffer because of stupid laws?

A friend of mine has a difficult choice to make. Her cat has many health problems and is suffering, and I told her this: "I too have many health issues, and I hope some law or doctor is kind enough to help me go when it is time. If your cat still purrs, eats, and moves and does not seem in pain all the time, keep him going, if not; I would help the cat leave the earth". 

It is a crying shame that in almost all places on Earth, veterinarians are not allowed to visit your home to help your suffering pet leave earth. Many pets die in misery, scared to death by a final trip to the veterinarian, only to face death if they survive the trip.  Pets and humans (when it is time to go) should be allowed to skip the suffering and get a home visit from an euthanasia expert. I plan to never die in a hospital, I saw what they did to me and my dying grandfather, no thank you.

Mark Shapiro, judgment expert, judgment broker, judgment writer, and a smile chaser.  Visit:   

Monday, April 3, 2017

Uber rocks

I have recently taken Uber several times, and each time was a treat, too bad that Uber requires a cell phone, it should work on any computer connected to the internet.


Mark Shapiro, judgment expert, judgment broker, judgment writer, and a smile chaser.  Visit:  

Sunday, March 26, 2017

JudgmentBuy looking for a Alaska Judgment Enforcer

JudgmentBuy is looking for a good Alaska Judgment Enforcer

JudgmentBuy is looking for an expert judgment enforcer, judgment collector, or judgment buyer that recovers judgments in Alaska.  While we welcome lawyers, we are especially interested in finding a non-attorney judgment expert that works in Alaska. Thanks. (Note, although we have judgment experts in every state that work several states with their attorneys, we are looking for local experts.)


Mark Shapiro, judgment expert, judgment broker, judgment writer, and a smile chaser.  Visit: 

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

JudgmentBuy looking for a good Canada Judgment Enforcer

JudgmentBuy is looking for an expert judgment enforcer, judgment collector, or judgment buyer that recovers judgments in Canada.  While we welcome lawyers, we are especially interested in finding a non-attorney judgment expert that works in Canada. (Note, although we have judgment experts in every state and many countries that work with their attorneys, we are looking for local experts.) Thanks.


Mark Shapiro, judgment expert, judgment broker, judgment writer, and a smile chaser.  Visit:  

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Gboard for your cell phone rocks

Typing on a cell phone or iPod or other such small modern wonders of technology have always been frustrating for me, because my finger motor coordination is not perfect because of just one pill of Effexor given to me by a doctor in 2015 that left me with permanent brain and nerve damage, and some things remain very challenging for me.

However, as you can tell from my blog writings, web site, and anyone who knows me; that I have learned how to significantly compensate for what the "doctors" at Kaiser Northern California did to me.

Now, one thing that really helps me type on my cell phone and iPod is Gboard, which is far better than the default keyboards on small device screens. Gboard has a much better predictive text function (that learns) and keyboard than what came on my phone; and it recognizes my voice very well, which sometimes changes during the day as I digest my meals. Using my cell phone and iPod to type is now a breeze with Gboard, which is available for all modern Android cell phones, even the iPhone.


Mark Shapiro, judgment expert, judgment broker, judgment writer, and a smile chaser.  Visit: